What we present as ourselves
Once, Mask and Genuine Expression sat on the banks of the river.
Mask wore a perfectly poised smile and impeccably tailored clothes. Genuine Expression was comfortably dressed, with a face radiating genuine emotions.
"I feel like I'm always on stage, always under the pressure to perform."
Mask turned to Genuine Expression, with an unwavering stiff smile, boasting “I’ve perfected the art of fitting in. No one ever sees my flaws or insecurities.”
Genuine Expression shook their head gently. “But at what cost, Mask? Don’t you find it exhausting to maintain that facade?”
Mask’s smile flickered for a moment. “Well… yes. I feel like I’m always on stage, always under the pressure to perform.”
"Instead of covering up your feelings, try to understand their roots."
“That’s because you are,” Genuine Expression replied softly. “BEING isn’t about hiding who you are. It’s about understanding and nurturing yourself.”
Mask looked puzzled. “But how? Won’t people reject me if they see the real me?”
Genuine Expression smiled warmly. “The path to BEING starts with looking inward. Instead of covering up your feelings, try to understand their roots. Why do you feel the need to hide?”
Mask pondered this. “I suppose… I’m afraid of being judged, especially by myself. And also of not being good enough.”
"It's not about presenting a perfect image, but about shedding layers to reveal who you genuinely ARE."
“That’s a start,” Genuine Expression encouraged. “Now, instead of hiding that fear, explore it. Where does it come from? Is it serving you?”
As they talked, Mask’s rigid posture began to relax. “I never thought about it that way. I’ve been so focused on what others think, I’ve neglected my own thoughts and feelings.”
Genuine Expression nodded. “Exactly. By understanding and addressing these root causes, you can achieve real, lasting change. It’s not about presenting a perfect image, but about shedding layers to reveal who you genuinely ARE.”
"BEING isn't about perfection. It's about coming home to yourself, embracing who you are, and living authentically."
Mask looked out at the river, watching ripples spread across its surface. “I see. So BEING comes from within, not from what I show the world.”
“Yes,” Genuine Expression affirmed. “And when within you truly ARE, it naturally reflects in your outer life. No masks required.”
As the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the park, Mask felt something shift inside. For the first time in a long while, they allowed their true expression to show – a mix of uncertainty and hope. And surprisingly, it felt good.
Genuine Expression smiled, recognizing the start of a genuine transformation. “Remember,” they said softly, “BEING isn’t about perfection. It’s about coming home to yourself, embracing who you are, and living authentically.”
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