We are cue [kjuː] and ljs [eldʒeɪˈes], together we are cueljs [kjuːlz].
We believe that within each of us lies a “grain of gold” – an indestructible essence that holds the power for true healing and self-realization. Our journey has been one of rediscovering this inner light, and we’re here to help you do the same.
Like many, we grew up carrying the weight of unresolved childhood hurt. The challenges we faced – including the loss of a sibling to suicide and another’s struggle with mental health – propelled us to gain deep understanding of how we are parented and learn to recognize the recurring patterns of hurt and unresolved issues that have been passed down through generations.
Through years of insights, observations, and study we’ve broken the cycles of hurt that once held us back.
Our spiritual journey began way back when we were children. From a young age, we sensed a deep spiritual purpose guiding us.
We’ve dedicated decades to understanding the mind, the heart, and the spirit.
Our journey, which began with explorations in Christianity and Alchemy, eventually led us to immerse ourselves in one of the first long-term Buddhist retreats in the West, where we practiced Vajrayana Buddhism for over 8 and 10 years, respectively.
Eventually we carved out our own self-empowered spirituality, free from institutional constraints. We blend personalized spiritual exploration with practical self-reliance, creating a holistic approach that unites the spiritual and worldly, infusing everyday life with awareness and sacredness. From meditation to exploring family dynamics and creating a home, we bring a wealth of experience and insight to our guidance.
We don’t see ourselves as gurus – instead, we’re spiritual friends who walk beside you on your journey.
We believe in your inherent wisdom and power, and our role is to help you uncover and trust that inner authority. We’re here to support you in reconnecting with your essence, your grain of gold, and living from that place of deep truth.
We invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and healing, as together we break the cycles of the past and step into a life of wholeness and fulfillment.
While we hold a doctorate in dentistry, a postgraduate degree in art & media, and a diploma in sound design and multimedia production, with academic training from Heinrich-Heine-University in Düsseldorf, the University of the Arts in Berlin, and CalArts in the USA, we left it all behind to pursue our holistic calling.
We met on a Drupchen1. And have been together since and married in 2017.
We have both the sun in Libra, Aries and Leo rising, Virgo and Pisces moon. Our chiron is in Aries.
1 A Drupchen is a powerful intensive group practice retreat that lasts for 10 days involving mystic, ritual and artistic methods.