
There is a reality that collectively we pretend doesn’t exist.
Whenever the veil of ignorance is lifted, whatever is revealed that existed before in the dark and is now exposed to the light, looks, sounds, feels very extreme as if it were untrue, or exaggerated, or very negative.

But: it is true. It is as true as our tendency to twist or hide the truth or to just look away.

Certainly, the truth is not always pretty and sometimes hard, brutal and painful.
That’s why they say it’s easier to tell the truth along with a story.
But considering the fact that we are navigating uncertain times, it also seems appropriate to just go for the naked truth, without any sugar coating.

If you prefer not to hear the truth, this is certainly not for you.
However, if you are willing not only to hear it but also act on it, no matter how uncomfortable it may become, you are in the right place.

Once you have heard the truth, consider yourself told. Do not deceive yourself and pretend you haven’t heard it. The truth must be acted upon.