To liberate you
who is frozen
in a seemingly
state of shock
I’d hold you
that you felt safe
and supported,
I’d tell you
that I’d be there.
For as long as
you needed me.
I’d knew,
that in order
to save yourself,
you needed me
to be there for you.
I’d knew
that you wanted
to do it on your own
but that you’d
needed me
to be by your side,
You didn’t ask for much
from me.
As you didn’t need much.
All I had to do
was give you
a small token
of love and approval.
I’d listen
to you
about what had happened
until the pain
you bore
slowly let up
and you were ready
to move on.
– ljs
Image header: Self-Portrait (1916) – Sonia Delaunay; Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, Modern Collection, Lisbon, Portugal; Material: Gouache on paper,
Pedro Ribeiro Simões, (CC BY 2.0)
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