In fear of death,
with the intensity of a hurt child
not knowing anything but good and bad,
YOUR longing for acceptance intrudes ME
asking for fulfillment in shattering ferocity,
making ME responsible for YOUR life.
In fear of death,
with the intensity of a hurt child
not knowing anything but good and bad,
MY need to reject YOU in order for ME to live
might kill the very source of MY nurturing and protection
and bring MY seemingly certain death.
To live equals to die
and my brother could not solve the dilemma.
For YOU, I am sorry for needing to reject YOU
as what was feared by YOUR hurt child
is the bitter medicine needed on YOUR side.
For ME, I am sorry for needing to abandon YOU
as what was condemned by MY hurt child
is the bitter medicine that is needed on MY side.
What has always been missing
was the hand of an elder
holding us – no matter what –
in assurance of acceptance.
But with the chain broken
the lost can only be found within ourselves.
Watching two cliffs colliding into one,
inside the echo of fearless aloneness
lies the faith of unconditional love.
The very mind asking obscures the answer.
Only the heart that knows
to ask without a sound
will hear.
With no desire to reject YOU
but with the struggle of an insoluble dilemma
a child’s heart has to face
I need to abandon YOU.
Not to die.
– cueljs
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