I’m currently having a hard time
Conforming to social protocols,
exchanging pleasantries,
expressing things in a filtered way.
I am tired of being compliant
for the sake of social peace.
Tired of having to bow
To our egos that are driven
By envy, pride, ignorance,
judgment and greed.
Tired of having to appease,
serve and understand them.
I wish we could transform
our habitual ways
to which we cling
like a smoker to his cigarette.
I wish we could be generous
and give others what they need.
I wish we could grant the other
love, happiness, health,
success, and wealth,
even if we don’t have it.
I wish we could meet another.
With the feeling of equality,
not needing to raise ourselves
above the other by demeaning them.
With the feeling of connection
and the certainty that
we want the very same,
experience the very same –
sorrows and joys.
I wish we could meet on the level
of our very own fullness and magnanimity.
In respect, benevolence and love.
– ljs
Image: Jihelpé, CC-BY-SA-4.0
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