Unmasking the Astrological Illusion
"Our astrological charts act as unique lenses that shape our perceptions, beliefs, and actions. By understanding the inherent conflicts and dualities within these charts, particularly through the sister sign pairs or axes, we can achieve greater self-awareness and maturity."

Each person’s astrological chart acts as a unique lens through which we perceive the world. This lens influences not only our perception of the world but also impacts our beliefs, values, and the decisions we make, including our worldly, religious, spiritual, or political views.

This happens because our unique setups come with underlying needs and expectations, with hopes and fears that unconsciously influence our agendas and viewpoints.

How an underling aspect forms our outlook on life / The Aries/Libra Axis

A Libra, unaware that their highly sensitive and receptive nature drives them to avoid tension and energetic arousal, will naturally have the drive and desire to harmonize and appease situations. Their need to maintain internal and external peace results in a natural inclination to mediate and resolve conflict. This aligns with their broader goal of maintaining peace, transcending dualities, and integrating complementary positions that could cause tension. This underlying need to avoid tension reflects in every aspect of their lives, including how they interact with others, their values, views, opinions, and overall outlook on life.

This is completely different from their sister sign, Aries, who is less aware of others’ hopes and needs because they do not need to control their level of tension. Aries thrive on intense, fiery emotionality and are always ready to fight for what they believe in. This perspective, with different needs, hopes, fears, and desires, results in a different outlook on life. For Aries, the world is not a place of transcendence and finding harmonious togetherness; it is a world of potential where they need to be the first to explore uncharted territory. They cannot be stuck with the question of who is going to open the door for the other; they will just walk through the door if they feel it is necessary to reach their goal. They are pioneers and instigators, while Libras are mediators and harmonizers.

Both functions are based on the way their body and mind work. One cannot stand the fiery state of being fired up and under tension, while the other loves it. This not only brings out all of their strategies for dealing with the needs and desires that arise from this difference but also creates a complete outlook and “philosophical” system of what life is for and how it should be lived.

How potential for conflict drives individuals to become experts

Spiritual teachers often display the importance of sister sign pairs or axes, as these create inherent potential for inner conflict that needs to be resolved. Many renowned spiritual leaders exhibit such conflicts in their astrological charts, and their teachings often revolve around resolving these dualities. If you are an Aries Sun with an Aries Ascendant and many planets in fiery signs, you just go for it, and nothing will hinder you from expressing your fieriness. However, if you have an Aries Sun and a Libra Ascendant, you will have to deal with conflicting tendencies that you need to integrate. It is precisely this potential for conflict that drives individuals to become experts on the topic and teach others how to resolve the dualistic conflict visible in their chart.

This is why the teachings of great spiritual leaders like Buddha, Jesus, or Osho all have a strong emphasis on a specific axis instead of focusing on the philosophy or view of a single sign’s perspective. Their teachings are centered on their individual angle, which forces them to find a solution between a colliding pair of aspects.

For Jesus, it is the Pisces and Virgo axis, with its theme of transforming sacrifice into practical worldly commitment and serving out of love instead of duty.

For Osho, it is the Gemini and Sagittarius axis, with its theme of collecting both intellectual knowledge and intuitive wisdom and learning to communicate them in their appropriate forms.

For Buddha and his Taurus-Scorpio axis, it is the release from material and emotional attachment by transforming our egocentric drive of fear and desire through cultivating an attitude of non-attachment and compassion.

Each of their teachings has a completely different “taste”: Jesus teaches in a devotional style about unconditional love, Osho’s teachings are an adventurous journey towards knowledge and wisdom, and Buddha’s teachings focus on the liberation from ego’s fear and desire through reconnecting with our transpersonal essence.

And what is true for spiritual leaders is also true for everyone else and in every area, be it sports, politics, science, or any other field. A strong emphasis on a conflicting axis will spur us on to find solutions and drive us to transcend our topic. Each emphasis will color the way we perceive and view the world through our underlying hopes and fears. Unless we become aware of this, we might be stuck in a dogmatic view that we fight and defend without ever knowing exactly why.