In our home, we prefer not to throw away food. Whenever we have leftover bread that’s gone stale, we either turn it into French toast or bread pudding to make sure it’s not wasted.

While I’m sure that most of you have made French toast before, have you thought of making Pandoro French toast?

Interestingly, while we might mistake it for cake, Pandoro is technically sourdough bread. Its name, derived from “Pan” (bread) and “d’oro” (of gold), translates to Golden Bread.

I had made Pandoro for Christmas, and we had some leftovers, which we stored in the freezer. So, I thought, why not make French toast with it and use it all up?

We use the same recipe that we normally use with leftover bread.

Here it is:

Pandoro french toast

Pandoro french toast

Yield: 2 servings


  • 2 eggs
  • 80 ml milk (or more, depending on dryness of slices)
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 thick slices of Pandoro/ or leftover bread (around 350-450 g)
  • vegetable oil


    STEP 1:

    Combine eggs, milk, and salt by whisking them together. Arrange Pandoro slices in a shallow dish in a single layer, then pour the egg mixture over them. 

    Let them soak for 2-3 minutes, then gently flip them over and soak for an additional 2 minutes (Adjust the soaking time based on the dryness of the slices.) Be careful not to leave them in the milk and egg mix for too long, or they'll become too soggy and might break when you try to lift them.

    STEP 2:

    In a seasoned steel pan or cast iron skillet, heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil over medium heat. Lift 2 slices of the soaked Pandoro from the dish and carefully place them in the frying pan. Fry for 3 minutes on each side until they turn golden and crisp. Move them to a plate and keep them warm while you cook the rest of the slices.

    STEP 3:

    Serve them as they are or sprinkle them with icing sugar and add fresh berries or any other toppings of your choice.

    Nutrition Information
    Yield 2
    Amount Per Serving Calories 1418-1768Total Fat 24.62-27.62gCarbohydrates 214.5-274.5gProtein 43.24-51.24g

    Image: cueljs