Leonard Cohen seasick every day

If you don't become the ocean,
you'be seasick every day.
– Leonard Cohen

Unknown: It's not who you are that holds you back

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

Art is a means of communication far beyond language

Art is a means of communication far beyond language.

Authority is not granted, it is taken

Authority is not granted, it is taken.

I sing the body electric

[...] I sing the body electric [...].

– Walt Whitman

Outcasted by human beings

Work hard to be outcasted by human beings, so the divine will find you.

– Kadampa saying

Something other than you can be

All blocks exist because of deep-rooted desires to be something other than you can be.

You have been trained

You have been trained to doubt.
You have been trained to always remain in control.

The seeker is the sought

The seeker is the sought.

Awareness is choiceless

Awareness is choiceless.