“Open your eyes and see. Stop imagining that you have to be this or do that. There are no conditions to meet. There is nothing to do, nothing to give up. Just look. Reality exists and is, by its very nature, pure observing consciousness.”
This could be the mantra that urges us to observe the world and people.

The art of observation is linked to an open mind, which allows us to gain surprising perspectives.
Eventually, we learn to observe our inner world as well. We combine all individual perceptions into a total perception in which all sensations, thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations are simultaneously held in open awareness.
In doing so, the experience of open awareness does not have to be separate from our everyday experiences. Rather, we can learn to live as unique beings while resting in the vastness of all that is.

Zoe Saldaña’s Oscar win, one single word, and the painful truth it reveals

There is something undeniably revealing about Zoe Saldaña's reaction at the Oscars.…

When cancel culture is the new pillory

Even if you don’t know Kim Sae Ron, her tragic death at 24 is a lens through which to…

Stop Chasing Conditional Happiness

The thought, 'If XYZ happens, then I'll be happy,' is so common that we rarely question…

We’re not sculptors of children. We’re gardeners, tending to growth

We still have this idea that children come into this world blank, waiting for us to shape…

Why Discipline is Actual Self-Care

When we think of self-care, we tend to picture comforting activities: a hot bath, a cozy…

The Lie We Tell Ourselves about Parenting: When Society Equates Codependency with Care

In many families, excessive worry is often mistaken for heightened care or as a sign for…

Self-determination: Why It’s Essential to Recognize This as a Human Right (Because a Child Is Not Just a Child, but a Full Human Being)

This story shows how some mothers believe they’re always acting out of “love” and doing…

Lady Gaga – Beyond positivity, the necessity of embracing our shadows

If you cannot accept your shadows or learn to integrate them, your light will never be as…

Unpacking Emotional Baggage: The Invisible Load We Carry into Relationships

When people fall in love, they often think they've left their past behind. They meet…

The Healer Within: Reclaiming Your Power to Heal

When we’re unwell, physically or emotionally, we revert to the mindset of a child. We…

Breaking the Illusion: Jennifer Lopez Opens Up About Her Struggles with Low Self-Esteem

When you think of Jennifer Lopez, what comes to mind? Glamour, success, and the kind of…

Breaking the Loop: The Power of Owning Your Mistakes

We all mess up. Whether it’s snapping at someone we love, dropping the ball at work, or…

The Mother Wound: Understanding Learned Co-Dependency

Co-dependency often gets trivialized as simply being "too nice" or "overly caring," but…

We are all in this together

“We’re all in this together” is more than just a common expression of solidarity. It…

Realizing You’re Part of the Greater Whole

Carlos Alcaraz couldn’t bring home Olympic gold for Spain. Even though it seems like a…

When your birthday sneaks up and you’ve got nothing planned

In many Western societies where birthdays, let alone milestone birthdays, are a big deal,…

Finding acceptance of nature’s wildness

Indigenous cultures often lived in close connection with nature, seeing themselves as…

Life Beyond Fairness: Finding Magic in Vulnerability and Openness

While it is human to chase the "good stuff" - love, joy, success - and to desire comfort…

When it comes to self-reflection

Self-reflection is basically the emotional equivalent of cleaning out your basement.…

Why Do We Run From Truth

Running away from Truth is something we all do at times, and it usually comes from…

Utopia – a distant dream?

While the concept of a perfect society holds enormous promise, it also calls for deep…

That summer feeling – A Playlist for the deeply accepting soul

As summer winds down, we can't help but reflect on the unique vibe it brought us.…

Let’s heal so we can stop bleeding on others

When we go through tough emotional experiences, it's not uncommon for us to carry that…

When the universe has other plans for you: How to handle curveballs

In today's world, perfection is often seen as the standard - whether it's in our careers,…

The greatest gift you have to give

In a world deeply entangled in war, conflict, economic inequality, climate change,…

The Dark Truth Behind Celebrity Overdoses: Why Our Search For Blame Is Missing The Bigger Picture

Addiction is a devastating reality, and when loved ones like Matthew Perry’s stepfather,…

From Greed to Growth: A Tale of Two Brothers’ Transformation

In a vast forest lived two brothers, Donald and Nic, born into a family of woodcutters.…

The monumental shift to focus on ourselves

We often think that when we have a disagreement, it's the other person who needs to…

How we get hooked on negative emotions

Just like how people can get addicted to drugs, we can get hooked on negative emotions.…

Where insecurities come from

We often have automatic, negative thoughts about ourselves. For example, if someone…

Can you imagine a process-oriented society?

In the land of Progressia, two neighboring villages stood in stark contrast: Goalington…

Overcoming robotic bahavioral patterns

As individuals, we would like to believe that we can determine our own choices and thus…

Children are not possessions

Children are not possessions. They are beings in their own right. Children are…

We are all giants

While we might identify ourselves with our small egos, there’s a giant within us. THE…

Stripping down the van to its bones

It takes a lot of courage to turn your mind inward and look at all the old metaphorical…

You are emotional addicted and you don’t even know it

First, realizing we have an emotional addiction is difficult. It requires self-reflection…

The driving force behind human conflict

You could ask anyone if they desire peace and harmony, and without hesitation, everyone…

Reclaiming your inherent authority

When we talk about authority, we're not referring to it in the context of roles or…

When a mother is trying to protect herself

I understand that it's hard to see your child struggle and fail, and it's even harder to…

The messy truth of not fitting into a box

We thought about making parallel accounts [in Instagram] to share other things we do and…

Healing the Emotional Dragon

The classic quote "walking on eggshells" captures the feeling of tiptoeing around the…

The dualistic split in childhood hurt we all had to endure

Can you identify the aspects of yourself that were accepted and those that were rejected…

Identifing with the wrong me

It’s the recognition that we’re part of something greater and not just our ego’s desires,…

From loneliness to aloneness to all-oneness

When we don't have someone special in our lives or feel unsupported, we have a choice: we…

Underneath mistrust lies our greatest power

We can easily see that when a dog has been mistreated, it may act aggressively and…

What the hell is a phony phenomenon?

It is sad that we have to say this: We were conditioned as children to feel the need to…

Walking the tightrope – control vs. trust

The relationship between trust and control is like walking a tightrope: it's tricky. In…

Flip your view upside down – We are spiritual beings having a …

Realizing that we are spiritual beings having a human experience rather than just human…

The big difference an afterlife makes

In the Eastern world, the concept of reincarnation is deeply ingrained from childhood.…

What we misunderstand about love

We've been taught that sacrifice equals love, but that's a misunderstanding. Think about…

Why children will soak up everything like it’s 100% true

Children are essentially walking subconscious mind: Until about 2 years old, they operate…

Why you are no stranger to me

If we haven’t met, it just means that - we haven’t met. But I know you. You are no…

Turning shit into manure

Shit happens. And whenever life goes off the rails, whenever we find a discrepancy…

The invisible wounds caused by emotional abuse

Having grown up in an abusive environment, I understand firsthand the challenge of…

Do you really want to realize yourself?

Do you really want to realize yourself? Because there’s a chance you don’t. Despite the…

Confronted with a tough truth – Deceiver and deceived

There are moments in our lives when we face uncomfortable truths or emotions that…

Parents give, children take – is that so?

Parents usually think they're the ones who give, and kids are the ones who receive. And…

Holding the tension of opposing feelings

If only we could stay centered, holding opposing feelings within ourselves… We don’t like…

Do we really need to make that journey?

The notion that 'the journey never needed to be made' echoes in the wisdom shared by many…

What are the two realities?

Imagine your mind as a mirror, reflecting the realities of your existence. In one…

People, we are NOT separate

In our daily lives, it often feels like we're worlds apart - different genders, races,…

Do you really want to get better? There is a chance you don’t

Sometimes, we might say we want to get better. Obviously. Who wouldn't want to be better?

Beyond piety and institutions to a deep spirituality

While religions might give us a structured framework for spiritual beliefs and practices,…

When tears manipulate

Manipulation is when someone tries to control or influence others in a hidden way for…

The high cost of loosing our inner child

Our inner child represents the vulnerable and authentic part of ourselves that holds our…

It’s okay to feel sad

It's one of those emotions that can catch us off guard, leaving us wondering why we're…

Just say what you want, and you might even get it

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it feels like the other person expects…

We are so much more than our bodies

Our true essence extends beyond the boundaries of our physical bodies. Our consciousness…

Where love is conditional – the cycle of never feeling good enough

Conditional love means that affection, acceptance, and validation are contingent upon…

The ‘deep state’ of helplessness

Deep within each of us, there exists an inner child—a reflection of our past experiences,…

One trick pony – part 2 – Hidden parts of ourselves

Authenticity requires us to confront and accept the entirety of who we are, including the…

One trick pony – part 1 – What hinders authenticity

We may feel compelled to present a simplified and idealized version of ourselves,…

Looking at the stars is a look back into a distant past

Did you know that looking at the stars is a look back in time? The light we see from the…

The paradox of being “sorry, but not sorry”

This is the idea that while we are not truly sorry for expressing ourselves or for the…

Success, fame, wealth – Could it be that happiness is an individual matter?

We live in a society that values achievement and status, and we are constantly exposed to…

The real treassure of reparenting yourselves

The concept of the "inner child" refers to a psychological perspective that suggests that…

So simple we might forget about it – the hidden power of breathwork

Focusing on our breath, It's a powerful practice that brings us into the present moment,…

Peeling back the layers to finally find ourselves

In our quest to have others accept us for who we truly are, it’s ironic that we often…

The greatest challenge for humanity’s survival – part 2

Examples of humans introducing the European Rabbit as a foreign species to new lands date…

The greatest challenge for humanity’s survival – part 1

Everything in nature strives for balance, an equilibrium. That was the thinking I grew up…

Can I get my hair wet? – part 2 – How we lose our subjective sense of self

We should think that we have a right to exercise our autonomy. In particular, the right…

Can I get my hair wet? – part 1 – How we lose control over our own bodies and minds

It was a hot summer day when I decided to get on my bike and ride out of town. I went to…

Somebody Somewhere Some Time – If we feel lonely

“I sometimes walk around the neighborhood at night, just hoping to find someone to talk…

After all, contentment is – The erroneous paths of KENZO

“At the end of the 1980s I wanted a Japanese house with a garden in the middle of Paris.…

It’s really fucked up – Stressed, irritable, and agitated – Navigating our daily news

Why do we feel obliged to be well informed?
 Our sense of duty and sophistication have…

Always is in the Middle – The secret formula of the “King of Clay”

For some time I have been watching the sky from the same place. Sometimes – when the…

Hip, Hot and Holy – part 2 – An entire approach to existence

In little more than 100 years since its cultivation in the West, yoga has significantly…

Hip, Hot and Holy – part 1 – High-flying gurus and their schemes

Two slanted almond-shaped eyes, rimmed with kohl were like a perfect promise of the…

I want to sex up spirituality – Training for our ultimate potential

Even though “spirituality” is charged with all sorts of preconceptions (maybe they are…

Whipped, muzzled – The Pavlovian Conundrum

I have an American friend who is very good at languages. He moved to Germany 7 or 8 years…

Nothing to indulge in – A pilgrimage exprerience of going cold turkey

When I walked the Camino de Santiago (English: Way of St. James) I had experienced an…

Autopilot interrupted – When the world suddenly came to a standstill

The world as we knew it had come to a standstill. Everyone was paralyzed. A super…

Someday I will be happy – When words destroy togetherness

"Someday I will be happy," he said. Lying on the bed, he was staring into space.