We are all in this together
“We’re all in this together” is more than just a common expression of solidarity. It actually is a phrase that points to a profound truth about our shared existence.
It means this: whatever reality we create, we are all inescapably woven into it.
Every action, every choice, every decision – or non-decision – adds a brushstroke to the shared canvas of our world. And whether we realize it or not, we’re all playing a role in this grand design. We’re not passive bystanders.
Dark, violent, and disturbing narratives flood our screens, shaping the world as if we’re obsessed with glorifying aggression and terror. Right now, it feels like we’re choosing the same negative and destructive storyline on repeat. But don’t mistake us – we’re not here to paint a rosy picture of “love and light.” True spirituality isn’t about sugarcoating reality or pretending pain doesn’t exist. Suffering is a natural part of the human experience. It teaches us, deepens us, opens us.
But we don’t need to pile needless suffering on top of that which is inevitable. Yet, that’s what we do. Time and time again, we choose ego over consciousness, conflict over compassion, profit over people. Why? Because it’s easier. Because it’s familiar. Because it’s what we know. But being stuck in old patterns doesn’t make them right.
This isn’t about erasing darkness – because darkness has its place. It’s about not making things worse. It’s about letting pain be what it is, but cutting out the extra suffering we so often create through ignorance, greed, and fear. Imagine a different story – a world where we honor pain as part of the human journey but refuse to worship it.
Every action, every choice, every decision – or non-decision – adds a brushstroke to the shared canvas of our world.
We have the power to choose. To shape. To rewrite. And every choice, no matter how small, contributes to the narrative we’re living in. So what kind of reality do we want to build? One weighed down by suffering that could be avoided, or one that embraces beauty, growth, and resilience?
We’re all in this together – truly. And with that understanding, let’s choose a reality that reflects the highest and deepest parts of who we are, that accepts pain but doesn’t feed it.
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